Sometimes I wonder

It is winter here in NZ, my little corner of it is slowly recovering from the worst snow-fall in 50 years. Power & phones were out for most around here for 2 or more weeks, my family & I were among the lucky ones who had it back after 4 days.

We have heard stories of people helping one another, food being shared, those with power opening their homes for those without to do laundry and drying, hot meals mysteriously appearing at places where no one had power. In one case a local man whose life is sustained by ventrical pump had friends turn up with a snow-plow to get him to the local hospital so that the batteries could be charged.

And yet

We live in a world where a war is being fought, ostensibly to remove a dictator, but almost certainly to control the flow of oil. Where there are famines and plagues and oppressions galore. How do we see the face of God in all of this?

I believe that the face of God is most visible in individual actions, the soldier who will not return to the unjust war, the people with the hot meals, the snow-plow in the night. It seems odd to say but I believe that God is best seen in human actions.


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